Sunday, December 16, 2012

Family Dinners

i love family dinners (: especially my mum's side. (dad's side is more civilised...)

the dinner is supposed to start at 8.30pm. people start to arrive from 7.30, with the majority arriving at 9.15, and the last at 9.30 (my aunt whose houses' windows you can't see due to all the clothes piled in the rooms, is ALWAYS LAST).

people to rsvp, so there are actually less seats than the number of people. if you leave your seat then too bad, someone else would've taken it. it's kind of funny. that's why you have to stay put. but they ended up sitting on a 3rd table, but had to walk to the main tables for food.

HAD MY FIRST CLASS OF CHAMPAGNE! no dizzyness (: probs cause it's not as strong. red rose champagne is also good (: not very alcoholy, but smelt/tasted nice. even champagne itself sounds nice. there's this bubbly feeling. kind of got "peer pressured" by my relos since they're like "your mum's not here" if my mum was there, she wouldn't of let me (despite the fact that i can legally drink). it's good to start with something not too strong, since if you had like a vodka or something once you start drinking, it's not good, compared to gradually easing yourself into it.

so much food from relos today-already.
finally had the Haagen Dazs ice-cream. it's good but not super good.

also had the dinner, my uncle bought back cookies from the NYC which his friend lined up for 2 hours to get. super nice (: they were bigger than the size of my fist.

oh, and people have to sometimes think for 10 seconds of what to call each other. like me, it was the first time seeing some of my nephews/cousins, so sometimes people don't even know who i am and vice versa. this also applies to relos who live in china who just come back to hk for the weekend to see family.

find that i have more time in the mornings than at night.

1 comment:

  1. I had champagne today as well and the bubbly feeling was annoying because I was tired and I couldn't be properly tired because it was bubbly, or something


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