I don't know how, but even after almost a year of under loading, I have somehow 'run out of time.' I'm pretty good at timing my holidays and packing my itineraries, but when it comes to studying, I feel like there is never enough time. How is it already October? After last year's ordeal, and after asking why so, so many times, I think I really had to push myself to trust in God's perfect timing. Let me tell you it wasn't and it still isn't easy. It's also trivial things like my backpack died 1 year too early, now I have to get another one and only use it for next year, and if last year didn't happen then I wouldn't need to buy another one (and why does it cost more 3.5 years later even though it's an older model?)
I don't think I often talk about this, but it has been a struggle at times to keep faith. Then there are times when the timing is close to perfect (because nothing in this world is actually perfect), and you sort of start to see His timings unfold, which in a way, I hope it will continue to grow my faith. Things or timings sort of happen in funny ways at times...
Went to Night Noodle Markets mainly for Gelato Messina. Hope to come back to try some other stuff (blog post to come).
When my heart sort of melted just like that poor ice cream katsu sandwich on the right later at night...
'When my heart sort of melted just like that poor ice cream katsu sandwich on the right later at night...'
^ Ahh my reaction too. :D