Sunday, September 10, 2017

First weekend since beginning of this sem working both days, I think I made a pb of selling the most 2nd pairs yday lel. Also first weekend in 6 weeks which I haven't been out. It sort of feels weird not going out, and trying to force yourself to study but ceebs. It's also weird to potentially only have 1 day of uni for the next 2 weeks. Could actually take a break and fly somewhere if I had the money...I still think holidays are essential to really just get away from it all, have fun and de stress. Should start to revise previous year's content though, something I've been telling myself at the beginning of the year but ended up having too much fun...

I still think voting is a waste of money, ink and paper. I feel like the majority of the times I vote, the party always loses...And even with the winning parties both on a local council or parliament scale, I don't see any improvements tbh. Maybe infrastructure since all these new train lines, light rail, widening roads, but ever so slowly...

I read an article the other day how Sydney is sort of trying to be like Manhattan NYC with the whole living in the city plus offices and tourist stuff rather than just being offices and tourist sights. There are actually heaps of old offices being renovated, and literally just leaving the steel structure then making it into fancy apartments. These buildings get fully renovated within a year or so, you can definitely tell the difference in speed when they are all funded by developers/investors/people with a load of cash....but I really like the idea of how we're trying to sort of be like NYC (actually try to be like the rest of the world, so almost all major cities I've been in, living in the city is not uncommon, whereas there aren't many residential buildings in our CBD atm).

I am almost done going through HK pics on Insta and can finally go back to Sydney food. Ever since I 'broke' my no brunch streak, I'm just yolo and eating out because next year won't have as much time for brunch. Too bad most cafes don't open at night... and all the dinner places I want to go to are all wayyy too expensive for the average uni student...

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I hope you enjoy the eating out and don't feel too guilty about it :) The brunch scene in Sydney is great.


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