Monday, December 14, 2015

the past few days/week has been a whirlwind. haven't touched my laptop since thursday...the past week has included work, shopping, eating, 21st/dinners. haven't even had time to look at the stuff i've bought...about 15 posts behind...the drafts folder is building up...

the past few days involved sleeping at 2am, and getting only 6 hours of sleep. i read an article the other day, and the more you sleep, it increases your mortality rate...well, i guess work helps to cut down the hours i sleep...

i started this 'workout' thing 2 weeks ago. 1st week i kept up to dat, 2nd week last week, well that just all went downhill again...and today, ceebs exercising. it doesn't help to have flat feet, so i've been standing/walking around consistently last week. my feet hurt but not my legs. it hurts to stand on my feet, and if you can't stand then you can't walk...

finally had time today to do nothing (i.e. wake after 12pm), and ended up baking. well only used the oven for 10min...more photos later.

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