Sunday, September 14, 2014

had baptisms today at church. it's always so lovely seeing people i grew up with publicly declaring their faith (:

i didn't realise until now our church didn't record sermons from guest speakers. this morning pastor Jay from the indian orphanage i talked about before told his testimony, and baptisms were in the arvo service with our english pastor, so i missed out on his testimony ): reading it on the website is different to hearing it irl. also really love hearing people's testimonies. as for me, well, there wasn't one event which completely changed my life, it was more of a gradual change, but that's hard to put on paper...

sunday public transport is so bad

my ex-dance teacher (well, actually, every teacher i've had for the past 3 years have only taught me 1 year and then leave. i guess the principal teacher just hires dancers who are all pro's) left about a week ago to live in america and got signed onto a dance company to dance. wow, american choreography and their dancers are so amazing

1 comment:

  1. I love baptisms :) And everyone's testimony is always wonderful to hear or read. Such special things.


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