Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Athletics Carnival: Day 1

h2so4 is a diprotic acid.
i forgot what to do with the 2 in questions DDD=

i have to say, the athletics carnival was dodgy.
here is why:
-it's at school , well we do save transport money (:
-it's like class but each period is a different sport
-the 100m sprint is an 80m sprint because if they did 100m, the race would crash with the long jump/walk way. why do they shorten the distances?? they did that for x-country, now sprints...
- the hurdles in each lane and your own lane our different sizes
-they have the dodgy hurdles, like the ones we used to have for P.E
-there's only 4 lanes in 200m
-the 200m race makes you go around the curve twice
-the places when you watch are hard to sit in/slightly damp/ sunny/ hard to read stuff places.
-you have to chuck stuff past the qualifying line to actually start getting counted in
-which means you can only chuck stuff once and if you foul then game over
-even if you do foul, sometimes they cbb to count the "participation points"
-they only say "serious competitors only" which reminds me of doing butterfly, and when they say it, it kinda makes you feel like you shouldn't participate
-there are no house relays
-the whole school is split up
-there's no 800m (not like i would do it, well i think i did it twice before though....)
-seniors either go to a different age group or don't turn up
-there's no "house spirit"

but they have tug-o-war and ball games which i haven't done since primary (:
i miss going to an actual athletic centre. tis veryveryveryvery different from girra's athletics carnivals.
however it goes over two days so no classes (:
i totes agree with what ophelia said before about some people say they suck, yet they manage to own 3 quarters of the group

i have a hunch, no- a theory (since i can prove this, but not a law as there may be some exceptions) that the science head teacher doesn't like new people.

1 comment:

  1. LOL, it's because I think the school gym ate up a proper oval.


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