That feeling when your whole year's worth of work is printed out on a nice glossy poster is just 👌
poster for anyone interested
I think they judged the poster's this year more on the content, where as last year's winner didn't have more content but design was different/more creative. At least we tried and happy with what we produced.
It's sort of strange how this year has passed by both slowly and quickly. Still remember frantically choosing a project because it was first in, first serve. Then writing up ethics in less than a month, and got it approved first time round with just a tiny modification which took less than a week to get it changed for a completely new project, that timing is generally rare for undergrads. Then reading countless papers to write up for literature review, and teaching myself to learn how to use EndNote-which is amazing. Why didn't they tell or teach us this sort of stuff earlier? Trying so hard and using connections to recruit so many participants, then hoping all 22 participants came in for all 9 visits. The coordinating the lenses soaked for 1, 10 and 30 days with their appointment dates, and changing the solutions everyday. Also dealing with broken machines in between the study and making sure the room were used was available and trying to not look like we hogged the room. Then actually compiling the data with an excel sheet column up to GF, which is 162 columns if I calculated it correctly, and 22 rows, never seen so much data in my life (grateful supervisor had an extern to help us input all those data from hand written record sheets). Then learning to use excel and linking different columns to produce graphs and use stats to analyse the data when even our supervisor didn't know what to do with the data. Never have I seen so much data before. Finally figuring out ourselves what graphs to make and thank goodness some of our results were statistically significant. No result is still a result, but all science people secretly want is some real results. Then figuring out how to write a report and submitting it weekend before exams start. Then after exams were over, sitting there and trying to come up with a design for the poster. Then figuring out what words we wanted to include, and making the font size readable, and aligning everything for the poster. Then designing the slide for our presentation and trying to be creative and do some silly stuff rather than a normal speech. Also designing mini videos to make our poster more interactive. Then finally after presentations today we are DONE. No more research for now, although supervisor and post grad student at dinner was definitely hinting we should do more research. Yeah, my passion isn't as great as their's, and PhD scholarships ain't easy to get either.
The whole experience was definitely interesting, and good to have a taste of what research is like.
Whole year's of research in a blog post. If we had a full time timetable, no way would anyone have had the time to do our research. Finally can relax about uni for around a week, and start tidying up stuff around my desk. Then back to studying for the quiz in Jan. More study, but for once in my life, after a very long time, I am finally moving forward. Keen to learn new things next year.
This reminds me a little of when we got our Extension 2 English works bound at office works, but getting a research poster together is dang legit. You should be proud!