Wednesday, April 23, 2014

i did it...

i can't believe i was actually capable of it...neglecting all my uni work...managed to finish all 3 season of suits inn 4 days, in between going out etc..i am totally going to regret it. actually, i was regretting it while i was watching it, but now that i've finished, i can actually just to work without procrastinating every 5 mins...

and i can't believe i did this! it was done whilst watching suits...

and gg. first time having a saturday exam

i think units of credit should be based on how many hours you do. like for our optm subject, it's around 9 hours a week, and still only 6 uoc compared to those commerce subjects which are like only 3 hours and they only have 1 exam. for our optm subject, we have 4 exams during finals, but since they are sneaky, we also have another final before the official finals start. yes, i haven't even started my assignments/caught up on stuff from before easter...i'm screwed ): 

stix desserts is just appearing constantly on my instagram. i want to try it, but ceebs walking up the hill. i think it's a cool idea, but messina will always be better (: (well, i do hope messina is better). some of my friends went to melbourne this week, and wow, they literally went on a culinary trip. i realised if i go to melb next year for Heston, it won't just be money heading towards that meal, i also want to try the best margarita pizza in the world-i mean how can you not? i'm not a massive pizza fan, but a melbourne guy beat all the italians at the pizza championships or something. and then Melbourne has a lot of good cafes, raw/vegan places to go to as well...

and i don't have time to go to the movies ):

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