Monday, February 13, 2012

Last Swimming Carnival :')

it was perfect weather. not too hot, not too cold, no rain/thunder/lightning/hail

every since i stopped training at end of year 10, my times are sooooooo slow, and since i'm fat as well, my times were pretty disappointing, but i enjoyed myself, since i already knew i swam really slow.

first race was soo fail, but it was a good experience (: it was the 200m girls open free. i was in the first heat. it was the first race of the carnival. they said take your mark then a whistle...a whistle (!?) i just stood there for a second on the blocks watching everyone dive in, and decided in less than 1 second: well everyone went in, i might i well start as well.

that was when i swam into a rope.

it's cos the teachers were "practicing" with their whistles and startups. i'm so glad i was slow and didn't fall for the whistle and swam into the rope unlike other people who swam a whole lap before realising it was a false start.

looking at photos, i see that i have slow reaction times compared to other people, after HSC i need to refine my dives.

i love relays. they are so exciting! i full slowed down my team...haha...but the guy who swam last for us can swim a 29 :O for once, the teachers didn't cheat in their relay.

i miss girra's house spirit and their events. i love going into all events. and i also miss the less competitiveness.

this time my arms don't hurt (yet), my legs hurt more though. like after butterfly they felt like jelly =/ people are too fast the age champion for my age has never been to training :OOO which means SHE IS A NATURAL. well she had a backyard pool, but with those pools, you just dive into the other end and you've already done a lap...ahah..

good memories and a fun day (:
excited for tomorrow! (: (no i don't have a boyfriend in case that sounded different....) have not done any work today....tis my "relaxing day"

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