Sunday, September 4, 2011

physics notes done (:
except they are literally the briefest notes i've ever done. even more than geo last year...
but whatever.

i have a mini-dilemma. i have this "underlining pen" which i always use to underline my notes. except i want it to last till hsc cos i'm used to the shade of the colour of the pen.
so now i don't know what pen to use to underline :S
oh, i could just by another one (:
but they might not stock it.....

epically screwed for so much stuff.

and i realised i have a silver sequin top that my uncle bought from a cruise which i could have worn on fri..... but it's not as cool as the one i wore....

and Happy Father's Day dad (:
except i hardly saw my dad today since he had to go partayy, lol jks, he went city to work to set up for the food expo which i shall blog about when i have time....


  1. Wow...

    I'm scrambling to fix up English things...

    Someone's really organised! *awe*

  2. nooo way.. haven't started studying for maths or english or anything else.

    and it's last minute extension-ing, which i am currently doing....

  3. I have that exact same problem with my notes-writing pen which really irritates me because the pens are a lot more expensive than they were and now my noting style will change and I have to learn to accept different pens


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