went carlo village today, haven't been in ages.
i combined my normal breakfast, morning tea, lunch and arvo tea into one meal today.
i dislike how asians treat live fish. they scoop it out and hammer it. so inhumane. i've learnt from Masterchef a long time ago that the most sane way to kill a fish is to put it in ice.
i think physics notes are more fun to write than chem notes because half of it is based on calculations (and i don't include calculations in my notes) so it kinda feels as if your flying through note writing (:
ahhh, i haven't touched Jap yet, and it's in the first week back...
spent a good amount of my time walking around at home with heels, just for the fun of it (:
oh, i'm like renee. i read the phone scandal thing on my phone news ages ago....
i hate wearing socks into the kitchen.
nts: make scones before the cream expires....
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