two parties in two weekends. it has been a month since i had a non eventful weekend.
hot pot tomorrow. i don't want to go but i regretted not going last time so i will go this time.
the dessert pizza was realllly nice, esp the gelato on top (:
why are people's cakes soo wierd this year? from shirley to shirgley to shigley-lol
everyone looked so nice today (: i'm kinda jelly over sweet and keely and other people who have dslr's, but its ok, i want one, but i know they will be a huge distraction from my studies so, in a way, it's better not to have one.....well not atm.....
i had a fun day (: and saw a few girra peeps (:
i have an idea for english.
it's just doing it will be hard. the execution part of it.
something realllllllllllly exciting!!
normo also does Chem of Art!!! so my notes at tutoring won't go to waste =D ie. if my bro did chem and did the industrial topic, then i can't help him out since i won't have any materials apart from textbooks...
normo guys are really typically normo.
so this guys goes and gets a cup of water and his friends asks him to get them water as well. he walk out and closes the door. he comes back with 5 cups of water (how can you even carry five plastic cups!?) and mouths to his friends to open the door. his friends just laughs and points to him, so that guys attempts to open the door, and spills a cup of water. eventually someone opened the door for him ==
I think that's all boys-only schools, not just normanhurst. Shore was similar, and I've heard NSB is a bit like that too.