Thursday, January 27, 2011


i was gonna post about something else but this is more important...i think...

ahhhh, federer must win!!!!!! i need to see him in the finals. i hope djokovic slips more. it feels like the finals already since the top two players left are playing each other and the finals will either be seed 2 vs 5 or 2vs7 or 3vs 5 or 3vs 7.

djokovic-don't get any more break points. i dont like him. he swears to much. fed is much more gentle (:
this set right now is vital to federer. my heart is pounding. federer ftw!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

gg plain black swimmers. you have done your deed and survived through many months in chlorine/beach/  and a million water slides.

and wth!? im capped again ==. my bro and i cant possible use 50gb on/off peak if we were away for one week and was at church the other week. and we have a password. im so confused. maybe im getting scamed... :S

im soooo devo )))): his still losing ))))): the finals are gonna be boring to watch without fed.

ye, im short enough to fit on one side of the wardrobe. the camera did the lighting....

 it's not as exciting as it sounds, but you can see the reflection off the window (:

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